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Heartland - Our Partnership
Social media has become the new word of mouth, and businesses without a good online persona oftentimes fall behind when it comes time to attract new customers.

Heartland Helps you keep pace with your customers


hen was the last time you swiped a credit card? Now-a-days, that question might very well seem absurd – the days of checkbooks are long gone! It seems like credit cards, debit cards, even digital wallets are as popular as cash. Not only is it easier to simply swipe, tap, or wave your payment – it’s 100% faster! In fact, technology seems to evolve quicker each day – The Internet of Things is changing the way businesses interact with people and creating an incredible opportunity for new businesses to dominate the market. Upgrading computer systems, embracing social media, creating a digital marketing budget, all of these things have suddenly become vital to their success. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is no longer a valid excuse, the age of the internet is here and causing many small business owners to panic. PACE Social Media was formed for this exact reason – we’re here to bridge that gap so that you can save time and focus on the bigger picture. We’ve found that many hands make for light work, which is why we’re proud to announce our latest official partnership with Heartland – a global credit card processing company that’s dedicated to protecting your business!

…We’re proud to announce our official partnership with Heartland

Credit Card Security at its Finest

Heartland’s technical prowess is showcased with the protection of Heartland Secure, a three-part solution to the ever-present threat of hackers and digital pirates. By using EMV, end-to- end encryption and tokenization they’re able to provide multiple layers of security to your customer’s card and as an extra precaution each transaction is covered by a comprehensive warranty; should a credit card breach occur while using a Heartland Secure-certified device, all associated fines and fees will be covered in full. Already have hardware or point-of-sale software from another company? No problem…Heartland’s payment processing technology integrates with hundreds of vendors and software programs. They can even work with pre-existing e-commerce sites or set up a brand new online payment system for your business with little to no upfront cost.

Unparalleled Customer Service

Run into any issues? Heartland’s U.S.-based customer service centre provides
live customer support 24/7 with calls answered by real people ready to immediately addresses and all problems. Heartland has more than 100,000 customer locations using its Heartland Commerce software and marketing automation programs, which goes to show just how good they are at maintaining a happy and loyal customer base. Want to know more? Click the button to sign your business up today and get ready to set the PACE for your competition.

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